Fluid Intake and Stone Disease

Your urologist has recommended increasing your water intake. Why? If you are a kidney stone former, the NUMBER ONE thing you can do to prevent the formation of stones is to make your urine more dilute by increasing fluid intake. If your doctor has prescribed medication and/or diet changes to prevent stones, drinking eight to twelve 8 oz glasses (2 – 3 litres) of fluid a day should still be your goal.

Our bodies need fluid to digest food, eliminate waste and transport nutrients. If you struggle with your weight, water consumption can give you a feeling of fullness, replacing caloric foods and liquids. Remember that if you are losing moisture during exercise or on a hot day through perspiration, you must DRINK MORE to make up for that loss through your skin.

Here are some tips to help you reach the goal:

  1. Fluid intake should be spread out as evenly as possible during the day.  If you don’t get up once at night to urinate, you’re not drinking enough. When you get up to urinate, drink yet another glass of water!
  2. Carry a refillable water bottle everywhere – on your desk, walking, shopping, driving, watching television, doing laundry, etc.
  3. Drink a large glass of water each hour on the hour or at transitional times during the day: when you get up in the morning, before leaving home, when you arrive at work, etc.
  4. Drink two full glasses of water at each meal – one before and one after eating.
  5. Keep track of the quantity consumed: pour water from a litre bottle or measuring cup as you drink throughout the day.
  6. Try sipping from a straw, alternating sparkling water for alcoholic beverages at social functions, or diluting fruit juice with water 50:50.

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