
Following is a list of our research publications. Should you need more information, and/or you would like to receive full copy(s) of any of these scientific publications, please contact us here via email, or refer to our contact page.

Peer-Reviewed Publications


  • Tran H, Arsovska O, Paterson RF, Chew BH. Evaluation of risk factors and treatment options in patients with ureteral stricture disease at a single institution. Canadian Urological Association Journal. 2015 Dec 14;9(11-12):921-4.
  • Wong A, Lange D, Houle S, Arbatsky NP, Valvano MA, Knirel YA, Dozois CM, Creuzenet C. Role of capsular modified heptose in the virulence of Campylobacter jejuni. Molecular microbiology. 2015 June; 96 (6): 1136–1158
  • Dirk Lange, Nathan Hoag, Samir Bidnur & Ben H. Chew. “Ureteral Stent-Associated Complications: Where We Are And Where We Are Going.” Nature Reviews Urology. 2015 Jan;12(1):17-25.
  • Joey Lo & Dirk Lange. “Current and Potential Applications of Host-defense Peptides in Urology. BioMed Research International. 2015: 1-9.


  • Janssen C, Lo J, Jäger W, Moskalev I, Law A, Chew BH, Lange D. A high throughput, minimally invasive, ultrasound guided model for the study of catheter associated urinary tract infections and device encrustation in mice. J Urol. 2014 Dec;192(6):1856-63. doi: 10.1016/j.juro.2014.05.092. PMID: 24866596.
  • Joey Lo, Dirk Lange and Ben H. Chew. Ureteral Stents and Foley Catheters-Associated Urinary Tract Infections: The Role of Coatings and Materials in Infection Prevention Antibiotics 2014, 3(1), 87-97; doi:3390/antibiotics3010087.
  • Shenoi RA, Kalathottukaren MT, Travers RJ, Lai BF, Creagh AL, Lange D, Yu K, Weinhart M, Chew BH, Du C, Brooks DE, Carter CJ, Morrissey JH, Haynes CA, Kizhakkedathu JN. Affinity-based design of a synthetic universal reversal agent for heparin anticoagulants. Sci Transl Med. 2014 Oct 29;6(260):260ra150. doi: 10.1126/scitranslmed.3009427. PMID: 25355700.
  • Brotherhood H, Lange D, Chew BHAdvances in ureteral stents. Transl Androl Urol 2014 Jun 20. doi: 10.3978/j.issn.2223-4683.2014.06.06.
  • Ryan Flannigan, Wei Ho Choy, Ben H. Chew, Dirk Lange. “Renal Struvite Stones – Pathogenesis, Microbiology, and Management Strategies.” Nature Reviews Urology, 2014 June. 11(6): 333-41
  • Pais V, Chew B, Shah O, Hyams ES, Matlaga B, Venkatesh R, Page J, Paterson RF, Arsovska O, Kurtz M, Eisner BH. Percutaneous nephrolithotomy for removal of encrusted ureteral stents: a multicenter study. J Endourol. 2014 Apr 18. PMID: 24745371.


  • Patel ND, Chew B, Knudsen BE, Lipkin ME, Wenzler D, Sur RL. Accuracy of Endoscopic Intraoperative Assessment of Urologic Stone Size. J Endourol. 2013 Dec 16 PMID: 24341294.
  • Chew BH, Zavaglia B, Paterson RF, Teichman JM, Lange D, Zappavigna C, Matlaga BR, Nunez-Nateras R, Bruhn A, Altamar HO, Humphreys MR, Shah O, Miller NL. A multicenter comparison of the safety and effectiveness of ureteroscopic laser lithotripsy in obese and normal weight patients. J Endourol. 2013 Jun;27(6):710-4. PMID: 23521213.
  • Chew BH, Paterson RF, Clinkscales KW, Levine BS, Shalaby SW, Lange D. In vivo evaluation of the third generation biodegradable Uriprene™ stent: a novel approach to avoiding the forgotten stent syndrome. J Urol. 2013 Feb;189(2):719-25. PMID: 22982432.
  • Elwood CN, Lo J, Chou E, Crowe A, Arsovska O, Adomat H, Miyaoka R, Tomlinson-Guns E, Monga M, Chew BH, Lange D. Understanding urinary conditioning film components on ureteral stents: profiling protein components and evaluating their role in bacterial colonization. Biofouling. 2013;29(9):1115-22. PMID: 24047458.


  • Claudia Janssen, Dirk Lange, Ben H. Chew. “Ureteral Stents – Future Developments”. Brit J Med Surg Urol (2012 Dec). 5 (1) :S11-17
  • Mendez-Probst CE, Goneau LW, Macdonald KW, Nott L, Seney S, Elwood CN, Lange D, Chew BH, Denstedt JD, Cadieux PA. The use of triclosan eluting stents effectively reduces ureteral stent symptoms: a prospective randomized trial. BJU Int. 2012 Sep;110(5): 749-54.PMID: 22313688.
  • Sea J, Jonat LM, Chew BH, Qiu J, Wang B, Hoopman J, Milner T, Teichman JM. Optimal power settings for Holmium:YAG lithotripsy. J Urol. 2012 Mar;187(3):914-9. PMID: 22264464.


  • Chew BH, Arsovska O, Lange D, Wright JE, Beiko DT, Ghiculete D, Honey JR, Pace KT, Paterson RF. The Canadian StoneBreaker Trial: A Randomized, Multicenter Trial Comparing the LMA StoneBreaker™ and the Swiss LithoClast(®) During Percutaneous Nephrolithotripsy. J Endourol. 2011 Sep;25(9):1415-9. PMID: 21711137.
  • Chew BH, Paterson RF, Ferlic EA, Humphreys MR, Gershman B, Eisner BH. Case presentation. J Endourol. 2011 Jul;25(7):1105-9. PMID: 21711133.
  • Gao G, Lange D, Hilpert K, Kindrachuk J, Zou Y, Cheng JT, Kazemzadeh-Narbat M, Yu K, Wang R, Straus SK, Brooks DE, Chew BH, Hancock RE, Kizhakkedathu JN. The biocompatibility and biofilm resistance of implant coatings based on hydrophilic polymer brushes conjugated with antimicrobial peptides. Biomaterials. 2011 Jun;32(16):3899-909. PMID: 21377727.
  • Lange D, Hoag NA, Poh BK, Chew BH. Drainage Characteristics of the 3F MicroStent Using a Novel Film Occlusion Anchoring Mechanism. J Endourol. 2011 Jun;25(6):1051-6. Epub 2011 May 13.PMID: 2156869.
  • Samarasekera D, Chew BH. Endopyelotomy still has an important role in the management of ureteropelvic junction obstruction. Can Urol Assoc J. 2011 Apr;5(2):134-6. PMID: 21470541.
  • Semins MJ, Bartik L, Chew BH, Hyams ES, Humphreys M, Miller NL, Shah O, Paterson RF, Matlaga BR. Multicenter Analysis of Postoperative CT Findings After Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy: Defining Complication Rates. Urology. 2011 Jan 24. 78(2):291-4. PMID: 21269663.
  • Ben H. Chew, Bogard Zavaglia, Christine Sutton, Robin K. Masson, Siu Him Chan, Reza Hamidizadeh, Justin K. Lee, Olga Arsovska, Victor A. Rowley, Charles Zwirewich, Kourosh Afshar, Ryan F. Paterson. 20-year Prevalence of Diabetes Mellitus and Hypertension in Patients receiving Shockwave Lithotripsy for Urolithiasis. BJU Int. 2011 109(3):444-9.PMID: 21635683.


  • Krambeck AE, Miller NL, Humphreys MR, Nakada SY, Denstedt JD, Razvi H, Preminger GM, Nadler RB, Matlaga BR, Paterson RF, Chew BH, Munch LC, Handa SE, Lingeman JE. Randomized controlled, multicentre clinical trial comparing a dual-probe ultrasonic lithotrite with a single-probe lithotrite for percutaneous nephrolithotomy. BJU Int. 2011 Mar;107(5):824-8. doi: 10.1111/j.1464-410X.2010.09567.x. Epub 2010 Sep 21. PMID: 21355982.
  • Chew BH, Lange D, Paterson RF, Hendlin K, Monga M, Clinkscales KW, Shalaby SW, Hadaschik BA. Next generation biodegradable ureteral stent in a yucatan pig model. J Urol. 2010 Feb;183(2):765-71. PMID: 20022028.


  • Dirk Lange, Christopher Zappavigna, Reza Hamidizadeh, Larry Goldenberg, Ryan F. Paterson & Ben H. Chew. Bacterial Urosepsis Following TRUS Biopsy, Urology. 2009 Dec;74(6):1200-5. PMID: 19815258.
  • Elwood CNLange D, Nadeau R, Seney S, Summers K, Chew BH, Denstedt JD, Cadieux PA.Novel in vitro model for studying ureteric stent-induced cell injury. BJU Int. 2009 Nov 3. 105(9):1318-23PMID: 19888977. Winner “Best Endourology Paper” World Congress of Endourology 2009
  • Dirk Lange & Ben H. Chew. Update on ureteral stent technology. Therapeutic Advances in Urology, August 2009; vol. 1, 3: pp. 143-148.
  • Lange D, Elwood CN, Choi K, Hendlin K, Monga M, Chew BH. Uropathogen interaction with the surface of urological stents using different surface properties. J Urol. 2009 182: 1194-1200). (same work that won the best abstract prize at 2008 AUA)
  • Chew BH, Lange D. Ureteral stent symptoms and associated infections: a biomaterials perspective. Nature Reviews Urology. 2009 6: 440-448.


  • Hadaschik BA, Paterson RF, Fazli L, Clinkscales KW, Shalaby SW, Chew BH: Investigation of a novel degradable ureteral stent in a porcine model. J Urology 2008 Sep;180(3):1161-6.
  • Chew BH, Hadaschik BA, Paterson RF, Lange D. Biodegradable Ureteral Stents. AIP Conference Proceedings 1049:164-172, 2008.

Online articles

  • Marion B Coulter-Mackie, PhD, Colin T White, MD, Dirk Lange, PhD, and Ben H Chew, MD, MSc, FRCSC. Primary Hyperoxaluria Type 1. 2002 Jun 19 [Updated 2014 Jul 17]. In: Pagon RA, Adam MP, Ardinger HH, et al., editors. GeneReviews® [Internet]. Seattle (WA): University of Washington, Seattle; 1993-2014. Available at

Published Book Chapters

  • Ben H. Chew, Ryan F. Paterson, Dirk Lange. “Chapter 10: Ureteral Stents. In Ureteral Stone Management: A Practical Approach.” Edited by Sutchin Patel & Steven Nakada. Springer Publishers. 2014.
  • Ben H. Chew, Ryan Flannigan, Dirk Lange. “Chapter 5: Struvite Stones, Diet and Medications. “POCKET GUIDE TO KIDNEY STONE PREVENTION: DIETARY & MEDICAL THERAPY.” Edited by David Goldfarb, Kris Penniston, Manoj Monga. Springer Publishers. 2014.
  • Ben H. Chew, Ryan F. Paterson and Dirk Lange. “Ureteral Stents”. Ureteroscopy: Indications, Instrumentation and Technique. Ed. Manoj Monga, Springer Verlag, 2013. Chapter 17
  • Dirk Lange, Claudia Janssen, and Ben H. Chew. “Stent Materials and Designs.” Handbook of Urinary Stents. edited by Noor Buchholz, Junaid Masood, Oliver Hakenberg and Christian Bach. JP Medical Ltd. 2013.
  • Ben H. Chew, Ryan F. Paterson, Michael J. Metcalfe. Chapter 6.1. Instrumentation & Surgical Technique: Tract dilation & Endoscopes. In Percutaneous Management of Renal Calculi. Editor: Manoj Monga. Publisher: Wiley. 2013
  • Ben H. Chew, Dirk Lange, and Roger Sutton. “Oxalate and Urolithiasis”. Management of Urolithiasis: Rational Deployment of Technology. Springer Verlag, 2012.
  • Ben H. Chew, Ryan F. Paterson, Dirk Lange. Clinical Uses and Applications of Ureteral Stents In Polymers for Vascular and Urogenital Applications Editors: Shalaby W. Shalaby, Karen Burg, Waleed Shalaby. Publisher: Taylor and Francis. May 3, 2012. ISBN-10: 1420076949. ISBN-13: 978-1420076943 Wrote the majority of the chapter.
  • Ureteroscopy: Ureteral Stents and Postoperative Care, Chapter 46. Ben H. Chew and Ryan F. Paterson in Smith’s Textbook of Endourology. Editor in Chief: Arthur Smith. Section Editors; Glenn Preminger, Gopal Badlani, Louis Kavoussi. John Wiley and Sons, December 4, 2011 ISBN: 978-1-4443-3554-5 Wrote the majority of the chapter.
  • Oxalate and Hyperoxaluria in Idiopathic Calcium Nephrolithiasis. Ben H. Chew, Dirk Lange, Roger A.L. Sutton in The Management of Urolithiasis: the Rational Deployment of Technology, Editors: Jamsheer J. Talati, R.A.L. Sutton, F. Moazam, M. Ahmed. Publisher Springer UK. Published: Oct 25, 2012. ISBN-10: 9401062706 | ISBN-13: 978-9401062701Wrote the majority of the chapter.
  • Biomaterials in Urology–Beyond Drug Eluting and Degradable—a Rational Approach to Ureteral Stent Design. Dirk Lange, Chelsea Elwood and Ben H. Chew in Biomaterials ISBN 978-953-307-418-4 publisher: InTech Web, Editor: Rosario Pignatello. November 14, 2011 URL: Wrote the majority of the chapter.
  • Lange, Dirk, Peter A Cadieux and Ben H Chew. “Biofilms in Urology”. Biofilms: Formation, Development and Properties. New York: Nova Publishers, 2010. Chapter 12
  • Chew B. Diagnosis of Ureteropelvic Junction Obstruction. In Top Tips in Endourology. Edited by Rane A, Monga M, Desai M, Keeley Jr FX. Euromed Communications, Passfield, Hampshire, UK, 2010. p31-32. Wrote the chapter.
  • Chew B. Management of Ureteric Strictures and Extrinsic Obstruction. In Top Tips in Endourology. Edited by Rane A, Monga M, Desai M, Keeley Jr FX. Euromed Communications, Passfield, Hampshire, UK, 2010. p58-59. Wrote the chapter.
  • Dirk Lange & Ben H. Chew. Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering in Urology. Chapter 5 Ureteral Stents – design and common materials. Woodhead Publishing, Cambridge, UK. June 5, 2009. Editors: John Denstedt & Anthony Atala. ISBN-10: 1439801770 | ISBN-13: 978-1439801772 Wrote the majority of the chapter.
  • Chew BH. Chapter 2 Evaluation for Primary Hyperthyroidism. In Stone Disease: 2nd International Consultation on Stone Disease. Editors: Denstedt J and Khoury S. Health Publications WHO, Paris, France, 2008. Wrote this portion for this international committee on guidelines on diagnosing and treating kidney stone diseases. Presented at the 2007 SIU in Paris and published by the WHO. ISBN 0-9546956-7-4
  • Chew BH. Denstedt JD. Chapter 45: Ureteroscopy and Retrograde Ureteral Access. In Campbell’s Urology Ninth Edition. Editors: Patrick C. Walsh, Alan B. Retick, E. Darracott Vaughn Jr, Alan J. Wein. Elsevier Science, San Diego, CA, USA 2007. Performed the literature search and co-authored the chapter with Dr. Denstedt.
  • Chew BH. Denstedt JD. Stents, Access and Urinary Drainage. Chapter 2. In Advanced Endourology: A Complete Guide to Advanced Endo-urologic Procedures. Editors: Stephen Y. Nakada and Margaret S. Pearle. Humana Press, New Jersey, USA, 2008. Performed the literature search and co-authored the chapter with Dr. Denstedt.
  • Chew BH, Duvdevani M, Denstedt JD. Results of Ureteroscopy in the Management of Urinary Tract Stones. In Urinary Stone Disease First Edition. Editors: A.Y. Muslumanoglu, T. Esen, and A. Tefekli. Publisher: Nobel Týp Kitabevi, Istanbul, Turkey. (2006). Performed the literature search and wrote the chapter.

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