Research Opportunities

The Stone Centre actively strives to enhance our multidisciplinary team to perform top-notch research to benefit our patients. In addition to the diverse group of collaborators around the world, we are always looking for other ways to expand our team.

Please note that these research opportunities are mostly dependant on available research funding:

  • Research Students

Since the summer of 2008 we have had more than 20 students working on our projects. The duration of these studentships ranged from a few months (Summer students) up to few years (Work-Study and Co-Op program). In addition to canadian students, our research program has also hosted several international students and fellows.

  • Research Assistants

Part-time and full time research assistants and technicians in clinical and laboratory research are an integral part of our research team.

  • Graduate Students

Our research laboratory, under the direction of Dr. Dirk Lange, hosts Masters students through the Experimental Medicine Graduate program. To meet our current graduate students please visit: current graduates.

  • Medical residents

Urology residents are actively involved with research at the Stone Centre. Their work is presented at both national and international congresses and published in the form of research manuscripts.

  • Research Fellows

1. Dr. Beow Kiong Poh, Singapore (2009-2010)

2. Dr. Heidi Tempest, United Kingdom (Summer 2011)

3. Dr. Claudia Janssen, Germany (2012-2014)

If you are interested in learning more, please contact us.

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