Patient Advisory Group

group discussionThe Stone Centre Patient Advisory Group will further our efforts bridging the knowledge gap between physician care and patient priorities, while improving future research strives.

Advisory group mandate:

  • To help guide the Stone Centre at VGH towards what patients would like to know more about in kidney stone treatment, prevention, and research.
  • To help guide the Stone Centre personnel with obtaining funding from government agencies.

Group structure:

The advisory group meets once a month for a 1-1.5 hour long session, starting in early fall 2015. These sessions will involve respectful and inclusive group discussions centered on improving prognosis and prevention of kidney stone disease. The group discussions are entirely confidential. Light refreshments and snacks will be provided during group meetings. Parking compensation will also be provided, as applicable.

Meeting dates:

October 7, 2015 – thank you to our sponsors for the event:

November 9, 2015

January 12, 2016 – (a big thank you to Starbucks again, for providing snacks and refreshments)

February  24, 2016 – (a big thank you to MIX: the bakery – for providing quality snacks and to Starbucks for providing refreshments)

May 19, 2016 – (a big thank you to MIX: the bakery – for providing quality snacks and to Starbucks for providing refreshments)

July 28, 2016 – (a big thank you to Starbucks for providing refreshments)

September 6, 2016 – (a big thank you to Starbucks for providing refreshments)

December 24, 2016 – (a big thank you to Starbucks for providing refreshments)

Next meeting April 2017!






For more information contact us at the office 604-875-4111 ext. 62421 or email:

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